Research updates, software development, and blog posts
Hal Clark is a medical physicist in Surrey, Canada. His primary research interests are in computation, patient outcomes, and physics & mathematics. An academic CV is available here.
Nov 19th, 2021: Invited keynote speaker at the BC Cancer Summit where I’ll give an overview of the efforts to convert two diagnostic MR scanners into MR-simulators. I’ll he happy to share the podium with Steven Thomas, Scott Tyldesley, and Fiona Mitchell!
Nov 1st, 2021: Naomi Jung and Caleb Sample’s abstract on Organogensis was accepted at the BC Cancer Summit. Congrats team!
Jul 15th, 2021: Congratulations to Caleb Sample for being awarded a UBC four-year doctoral fellowship. These scholarships are awarded to “UBC’s best PhD, DMA, and MDPhD students.” Congrats Caleb!
Jun 11th, 2021: Brennen Dobberthien was awarded the Dr. Harold Batho award during the BC Cancer Academic Day. His presentation covered our research into improving deformable registration quality assurance. Excellent work Brennen!
Apr 8th, 2021: BioTalent awarded funding to support Naomi Jung’s summer work co-op project.
Jan 17th, 2021: Caleb Sample’s manuscript entitled “Incorporating parotid gland inhomogeneity into head-and-neck treatment optimization through the use of artificial base plans” being accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. The article is available here. Congrats Caleb!
Dec 7th, 2020: Congratulations to Caleb Sample for being awarded a BC Graduate Scholarship!
UBC PhD project (2020-2024): lung quantitative imaging project aiming to use radiomics to generate patient-specific modifications to standard radiotherapy treatments to maximize patient outcomes. (Lorna Tu; note: I proposed this project but have taken a consulting role.)
UBC Engineering Physics Capstone project (2021/2022 academic year): implementation of a deformable image registration algorithm in DICOMautomaton
. (Bowen Luo, Joey Gaffney, Karina Lei, and Lina Nguyen.)
UBC Engineering Physics Capstone project (2021/2022 academic year): continued development of hand-held LiDAR scanner prototype device for improved radiotherapy collision check simulation. (Evan Wingert, Forbes Choy, Leo Zhao, and Vladimir Novakovic.)
Summer Work Co-op (2021): development of a new open source Computed Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography autosegmentation package with convolutional neural network with MultiResU-net architecture. (Naomi Jung.)
UBC PhD project (2019-2023): saliva retention and recovery after radiotherapy focusing on use of novel quantitative CT, MR, and PET imaging techniques to personalize treatment. (Caleb Sample.)
BC Cancer Medical Physics Resident academic research project (2020/2021): development of a process and clinical workflow for quality assurance monitoring of deformable registration. (Brennen Dobberthien.)
UBC Engineering Physics Capstone project (2020/2021 academic year): implementation of a deformable point cloud registration algorithm in DICOMautomaton
. (Anthony Ho, Carlos Doebelli, Julia Rosenrauch, and Cailin Ringstrom.)
UBC Engineering Physics Capstone project (2020/2021 academic year): implementation of a pharmacokinetic tracer model for quantifying liver blood perfusion. (Jackson Gayda, Krysten Zissos, Mojan Jamalzadeh, and Tianna Hudak.)
Undergraduate volunteer research project (2020/2021): development of a hand-held LiDAR scanner for virtual radiotherapy simulation. (Brendan Posehn.)
November 5th, 2021: DICOMautomaton wiki and tutorial
October 29th, 2021: Deformation field visualization
March 27th, 2021: 3D-printed tube benchmarks
Jan 8th, 2021: Double-threaded machine screws
Nov 24th, 2020: Speech-to-text on Linux
using Mozilla’s DeepSpeech
: a multipurpose tool for medical physics
: a C++ math and physics utility library
and Demarcator
: fuzzy machine translation libraries in C++
: a header-only C++ DBSCAN
clustering library
: a tool for contouring and medical image visualization
: adjustable file deduplicator in C++
: an embeddable CAS library in C++
Project - Transport
: a minimal framework for radiotherapy Monte Carlo